Search Results

Showing 7 results of 7 found. There are 199.291 records in database.
Lastname Firstname Midldenames Age Date of Burial Church / Notes
Whittington Jacob E 23 ys 1880 Apr 15 St. Thomas
Whittington Weldon Erskine 2 1931 Jan 25 Westbury Cemetery
Whittington Aubrey 76 1963 Oct 22 Westbury Cemetery
Whittington Simeon Lawrence 73 1971 Apr 17 Westbury Cemetery
Whittington Clyde Evelyn 70 1994 Mar 26 Westbury Cemetery
Whittington Euneta 64 1997 Aug 23 Westbury Cemetery
Minister's name not clear
Whittington Viola Clemendia 103 2000 Dec 11 Westbury Cemetery